понеділок, 28 грудня 2015 р.

Cartoon vocabulary list

A Christmas Carol
  1. resolute
  2. trial in homage
  3. destitute
  4. idle
  5. balderdash
  6. apparition
  7. forged
  8. linger
  9. forbearance
  10. apprentice
  11. doomed
  12. condemn
  13. severity
  14. altered
  15. scabbard
  16. meager
  17. odious
  18. stingy
  19. relent

неділя, 27 грудня 2015 р.

Getting around

  1. Greee Perk is in the centre of the city.
  2. Green Park is between the bank and the stadium.
  3. The library is on te left of the stadium.
  4. The Stadium is next to the bank.
  5. The City theatre is in James Street. It is  on the left side of the station.
  6. The hospital is behind the library.
  7. The Sweet shop is behind the stadium.
  8. The Three Stars Hotel is in front of the Sweet Shop.
What is number 7?
What is number 13?
What is number 8?
What is number 3?
What is number 4?
What is number 5?
What is number 1?

Getting around

  1. Where is the library?
  2. Where is the pet shop?
  3. Where is te toy shop?
  4. Where is the flower shop?
  5. Where is the bakery?
  6. Where is the supermarket?
  7. Where is the park?
  8. Where is the museum?
  9. Is the  pet shop between the barber shop and the toy shop?
  10. Ia the supermarket next to the hospital?
  11. Is the toy shop opposite the park?
  12. Is the park in the centre of the city?
  13. Is te bakery opposite the barber shop?
  14. Is the library in front of the post office?

пʼятниця, 18 грудня 2015 р.

Sights of London

  The British Museum


The British Museum


The Globe theatre

Greenwich Royal Observatory


Hyde Park

London Eye

Trafalgar Square

Kengsington Palace

Madame Tussauds Museum

St.Paul's Cathedral

Nelson's Column

Tate Gallery

The Tower Bridge

The Westminster Palace

The Westminster Abbey

The Tower of London

Piccadilly Circus

Elisabeth Tower

Buckingham Palace

 10, Downing Street

Natural History Museum
Victoria and Albert Museum


You are expected to get acquainted with this list of the most famous places of the British capital in order to be able to name them and give some more specific information. The cards with the pictures will be provided with no cutlines.Good luck! 


  1. What is your name?
  2. What  is your surname?
  3. How old are you?
  4. Where is your home?
  5. What is your address?
  6. Is your street long or short?
  7. Do you live in a house or in a flat?
  8. Do you like your flat?
  9. Have you got your room in it?
  10. Do you like your room?
  11. Is there a blackboard in the classroom?
  12. Are there two windows in the classroom?
  13. Where is the clock?
  14. Where are the pictures?
  15. Is there a TV-set in your classroom?
  16. Is there  a washbasin in your classroom?
  17. Are there curtains on the windows in your classroom?
  18. What is your favourite school subject?
  19. Do you go to school on Sundays?
  20. Do you like Maths? 

четвер, 17 грудня 2015 р.

Plural of the Nouns

В англійській мові множина іменників утворюється додаванням закінчення -s до іменника в однині.

a pen–pens

a dog– dogs

a pencil- sharpener– pencil - sharpeners

Іменники, що закінчуються на шиплячі приголосні s, ss, ch, sh, x у множині мають отримують закінчення -es

a match- matches

a bench – benches

a watch – watches

a dress – dresses

a bus – buses

a box – boxes

a dish - dishes

Іменник, які закінчуються на приголосна+у, міняють  у на i + es.

a fly– flies

a library – libraries

a berry – berries

a cherry – cherries

 Якщо іменник закінчується на голосна+у, тоді жодних змін не відбувається.

a play — plays

a day  - days

a toy – toys

a monkey – monkeys

середа, 16 грудня 2015 р.

Plural of the nouns

1. a kite
2. a day
 3. a candy
 4. a puppy
 5. a monkey
 6. a family
7. a pantry
8. a berry
9. a case
10. a shelf
 11. a poster
 12. a fridge
 13. a floor
 14. an address
15. a house
16. a vase

середа, 9 грудня 2015 р.

My room ( II )

Answer the questions
  1. Where is the computer?
  2. Where is the bag?
  3. Where is the carpet?
  4. Where is the chair?
  5. Where is the yellow lamp?
  6. Where is the clock?
  7. Where are the pictures with bears?
  8. Where are the pictures with cats and elephants?
  9. Where are the pillows?
  10.   Where is the pink dress?
  11. Where is the sofa?
  12. Where is the pot plant?
  13. Is there a bear under the sofa?
  14. Is there a picture on the shelf?
  15. Is there an alarm clock on the shelf?
  16. Is the lamp on the desk?
  17. Are there books in the bookcase?
  18. Is the carpet in the middle of the room?
  19. Is there a doll house on the wardrobe?
  20. Is there a curtain on the window?