I'll teach you grammar ... somehow

Rewrite the sentnces using Conditional Type III

Linda’s happiest day

              Linda forgot to set up her alarm clock before going to bed the daybefore yesterday. So yesterday she got up late. She didn’t have enough time and went to work without having breakfast. Still, she  was late. She missed a  very important meeting and lost a very mportant client. As a result her boss was angry with her .She was so upset after the conversation with her boss, than she cried in her study. Her eyes were red. She went home earlier as she wasn’t able to work that day. While going home, she didn’t pay attention to  the number  of the route, so she took the wrong bus.
             The bus took her to the wrong area of her city. She was so  far away from her house. So, she decided to take a subwayto get home. In the transit vehicle she noticed a very niceyoung man, He gave her a smile. She smiled him back.Then the boy came up to her and asked if he could take aseat next to her. She agreed. They talked a lot. Linda liked her newacquaintance very much. At the end of the trip the man, whose name was Jason,  asked Linda for hertelephone number. So she wrote her phone number on a card and handed it to Jason. The followingFriday he rang her up and asked out for dinner. Linda was anxious to see him. They started dating after that. 

For example: If Linda hadn't forgotten to set up her alarm clock, she wouldn't have got up late.

The Past Simple Tense 

The verb " to be " in the Past Simple Tense

the tables are taken from https://www.google.com.ua/url?

The Present Simple Tense

One more table to make up the Present Simple

The Verbs " to be" and "to have" in The Present Simple Tense

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