- Watch the cartoon
- choose 5 words to describe - a) the house , b) Roderick, c ) Frederick
- Make up 5 questions to the cartoon
вівторок, 26 вересня 2017 р.
The Fall of the House of Usher by E.A. Poe
понеділок, 25 вересня 2017 р.
неділя, 24 вересня 2017 р.
Unit 5
These word-combinations and sentences are for you. Make sure you know them. answer the questions as in the dialogue. Good luck!
вівторок, 19 вересня 2017 р.
Fenimore Cooper

Take your chance and watch the movie, too.
I am sure, you'll enjoy it!
неділя, 17 вересня 2017 р.
субота, 16 вересня 2017 р.

Work with the last part - writing.
Follow the hints to write the letter of your own.
Good luck!
picture http://metodobriy.blogspot.com/
вівторок, 12 вересня 2017 р.
The geography of the USA
Lesson 2
- coterminous
- latitude
- longitude
- arid
- embrace
- devoid of
- habitation
- plateau
- canyon
- tributary
- inhabitant
- urban
- populous
- indigenous
- descendant
- homogenous
- coexistence
- adjustment
- vacillate picture https://itunes.apple.com
Work with §1 and §3. Enlarge and complete the table ( p. 13 ) - add some more lines.Pay attention to the map ( p. 14) . Make sure you can find all the place on the map.
понеділок, 11 вересня 2017 р.
James Fenimore Cooper 2
1 enroll
2. prank
4. midshipman
5. mediocrity
6. notion
7. sancity
неділя, 10 вересня 2017 р.
The Legend of the Sleepy Hollow
These words are for Tuesday's lesson.
There will be a discussion
of the very story. So, take your time and enjoy reading and listening to it!
The picture is from https://www.google.com.ua

of the very story. So, take your time and enjoy reading and listening to it!
The picture is from https://www.google.com.ua
Clothes. Footwear
This set of words is for Monday's
you 'll be shown some pictures of people ( to be described - appearance and clothes).Get ready! Good luck!
Picture from http://www.huffingtonpost.com
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