вівторок, 18 грудня 2018 р.


For our Thursday lesson make sure you revise

  • Grammarway 3 ( p. 22)
  • Grammarway 4 ( p. 15) 
  • Karpiuk ( p.20 -word file)
  • Karpiuk ( p.25 - Tenses)
  • Karpiuk ( p. 33 - The letter of Application) 
  • Karpiuk ( p.40 - Conditional I as well as the structires from the previous link Providing / provided, unless
  • Don't forget to get your presentations ready!
  • If you haven't retold the text about yourself , it's high time to do it!

четвер, 13 грудня 2018 р.

A Mammoth Christmas

This set of words is for you to be looked through for our Monday's lesson. We'll watch a cartoon, so get ready! After the cartoon there will be a dictation and a test. Get yourselves prepared!

четвер, 22 листопада 2018 р.

Christmas day is on its way!

Are you ready to celebrate? Not yet? It's the high time to get started! This song and these lyrics are for you to practise. Don't forget about the words in your copybooks! They have to be learnt by heart! Enjoy!

вівторок, 13 листопада 2018 р.

неділя, 4 листопада 2018 р.

TOO / ENOUGH is never enough))))

Countrystudies 11

For our Tuesday's lesson will you please be so kind to get youselves ready to

  • discuss the rest of the cities ( p.81-100)
  • pay special attention to this list of words
    • marchy area
    • to crisscross
    • paved, unpaved
    • mall
    • massacre
    • borough
    • spur
    • unanimously
    • suspention
  • look through the printed card "Political system of the USA" 


Too & Enough Worksheet by on Scribd

Too / Enough

This funny exercise is for you to use in your homework. Don't forget about te pictures with the sentences ! Good luck!

Too or enough

This card is for you to practise the new grammar.

понеділок, 22 жовтня 2018 р.

The UK political system


1. What principle does the UK Government follow?
2. What kind of Parliament does the country have?
3. What are the names of  each part?
4. Is there any strict figure as for the number of Lords?
5. What is their job?
6/ What were they able to do in the past?
7. When were the latest changes performed ?
8. What is the most important governmental body of the British Government?
9. What does MP mean?
10. How many MPs are there?
11. What part is lead by the Prime Minister?
12. What is the House of Commons responsible for?
13. What is the role of the monarch in this case?
14. Do the citizens elect the Prime Minister?
15. Who becomes the PM?
16. Who is the official head of the state?
17. Who appoints the PM?
18. Who signs bills into law?
19. What does the term plurality mean?
20. Has the House of Lords real power?
21. How often are the elections held?
22. Is there any certain date for it?
23. What powers does the monarch have?

субота, 22 вересня 2018 р.

National Symbols of the USA

For our Tuesday's lesson you are expected to :
  • read §4( p.22-28) 
  • learn the words for this paragraph ( p.22) 
  • get yourselves acquainted with this and take some notes ( there will be a true/false test) 
  • work with the cards ( §4 p. 26-27 and The Civil War (p.41-42) 
Don't waste your time!
Good luck!

понеділок, 17 вересня 2018 р.

History of GB

This set of words is for our tomorrow's
 dictation. Sorry for being late.
P.S. Make sure you don't forget about the words from the presentations ( we watched them and you can find them below)

понеділок, 10 вересня 2018 р.

Industrial revolution

  • How long did it last?
  • What did the British do for a living in the middle of the 18th century?
  • What new system of production was born?
  • What factors set the wheel of the industrialization?
  • How did the life of the people change?
  • Why was it radical?
  • What monarch was on he throne in those days?


неділя, 9 вересня 2018 р.

Indirect questions

This list of questions is for you to be done for our Thursday's lesson. Use your coursebook as an example. Follow the rule ( p.20) Copy both questions and changed sentences! Good luck!

субота, 8 вересня 2018 р.

The Great Charter

source https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xo4tUMdAMw

1 How did the document influence the people?
2. Why was it created?
3. What does it say?
4. When was it signed?
5.  What monarch was forced to do it?
6. What was the background for this event?
7. What was the origial idea of the documemt? 
8. Were all the people satisfied? Why?
  • unassuming
  • imprison
  • starve to death
  • impose
  • taxes
  • seize
  • obey he law
  • negotiate
  • peasant

субота, 12 травня 2018 р.


This list of sentences is for you to learn by Wednesday. For Monday's lesson don't forget to learn the first set of sentences ( the table with 12 sentences from the card) . Revise the texts about Ukraine, too! Good luck!

неділя, 1 квітня 2018 р.


This sample  is EIT 2013. Work with it for Thursday. Make sure you remember all the prepositional phrases from the previous lesson. 

  • freerunning
  • skydiving 
  • zorbing
  • kitesurfing
  • scrape through the exam
  • outperform others
  • skip classes
  • striggle to understand
  • vote with your feet
  • be in two minds about
  • opt for
  • hand in the notice
  • take on
  • sign on
  • take over from sb else
  • get an early night
  • have a lie-in
  • sworn enemies
  • immediate family
  • look up to
  • a golden handshake
  • stick to the rules
  • have a fight
  • end the relationship
  • take sb's side
  • make up

вівторок, 20 березня 2018 р.

John Steinbeck

  1. What were the Joads?
  2. What was the reason for them to leave their home?
  3. How did they try to change their lives for better?
  4. Give some facts to prove tha the  book was a success.
  5. What does the book depict?
  6. Who supported the author?
  7. How was the book treated by the readers?
  8. What award did the book get in 1939?
  9. Is it still popular?
  10. Why is it called controversial?

понеділок, 19 березня 2018 р.

Crime Vocabulary

  1. What term is similar in meaning to kidnapping?
  2. is there any specila term when the victim of the murder is a famous person or a politician?
  3. How do we call the situation when a person has more than one spouse?
  4. What does arsonist do?
  5. When you threaten to reveal someone's secrets and  wants some money for this not to happen you are ...
  6. What is the reason for bribing?
  7. What is corruption?
  8. What is needed for cyber crime? 
  9. How do we call the situation when the person in charge steals money?
  10. Obtaining secret information is called....
  11. Illegal copying documents to cheat people is called....
  12. What is genocide?
  13. What is the difference between the hooliganism and vandalism?
  14. What is a libel?
  15. What is looting?
  16. What is an oath?
  17. Hunting illegaly is ...
  18. Violent public disturbance is ...
  19. Slander is ...
  20. Tresspassing is ...

четвер, 15 березня 2018 р.

середа, 28 лютого 2018 р.

A dialogue

Here is the dialogue from our workbook. 
Learn it by heart with some of your classmates. 
We'll act it out on Monday. 
I hope we'll have lessons. 

source https://drawception.com/game/RZFW378SbF/if-mario-was-allergic-to-mushrooms/

середа, 31 січня 2018 р.
