вівторок, 31 березня 2020 р.
понеділок, 30 березня 2020 р.
A week's work
- Ex. 2 p.96-98 ( read the text, translate it and choose the headings for the paragraphs) - we'll check it
- put thewords from p.97 into your vocabularies
- Do Ex.3 p.98
- Do Ex. 1-3 p. 102 in a written form in your copybooks
- Do Ex.2 p.104 Listen to the track and complete the exercise in your textbooks
- Do Ex.3 p.104 - listen to the track and fill in the gaps
- Think and do Ex. 4 p 105 - use your own experience
10b homework part 2
- Ex. 1 p.136 ( in your coursebooks)
- Listen to this track and fill in the missing words Ex.3 p.136-137 ( in your copybooks)
- Ex.4 p.137-138 - fill in the missing words.
неділя, 29 березня 2020 р.
субота, 28 березня 2020 р.
середа, 25 березня 2020 р.
Go on working with vocabulary.
- Look through Ex. 12 p.11 of our CB and put all the new words down with the translation and transcription.
- Define the terms casually dressed and formally dressed.
- Add the words printed in colour in Ex. 13 p. 11 into your vocabularies as well.
- listen to this track 6 and identify the models. We'll check it next time.
- Go to Writing ( p. 15)
- Analyse the structure and fill in the table from Ex.2 p. 15 Track 10 is here. Get ready to describe a person.
Learn the words- don't waste your time. Good luck!
Maths 6

Добрий день,шановні учні!
Нагадую, що завтра о 14.00 ви проходите тест з алгебри ( повторіть теорію п.18,19).Надсилаю Вам навчальні тести 20 і 21,які можна використовувати необмежену кількість раз для підготовки до тестування та самоперевірки своїх знань.Бажаю успіхів!
вівторок, 24 березня 2020 р.
Maths 5
Шановні учні! Сьогодні ви продовж:уєте вивчати теми:Неповні квадратні рівняння - п 18, Формула коренів квадратного рівняння - п.19. Перегляньте ще раз попередні відеоуроки : Неповні квадратні рівняння .Формула коренів квадратного рівняння.
У четвер 26.03.2020 о 9.00 вам буде надіслано тести і на вайбір і у classroom( однакові тести) з тем п.18 і 19 .Для успішного проходження тестів з алгебри,необхідно виконати попереднє дз, вивчити формули і алгоритми розв'язування квадратних рівнянь. Тести необхідно буде виконати до 14.00.
Дз на 30.03.20 з алгебри:
п.18,19 опрацьовуємо і розглядаємо приклади наведені у параграфах.У п.19 на ст.149 повторити і вивчити алгоритм розв'язання квадратних рівнянь.Розв'язати з підручника п. 19 номери 639 ,645 , 893(1,3,5,7)
п.18 номер 117,118 (див.фото).
Дз з геометрії буде надіслано у четвер( Будь ласка виконайте попереднє дз).Дякую,успіхів!!!
Шановні учні !При підготовці до тестів з алгебри ви можете перейти за посиланням на сайт
і виконати тренувальні!!! вправи - тести Квадратні рівняння И.1-И.7
понеділок, 23 березня 2020 р.
неділя, 22 березня 2020 р.
Look through the text about London from our CC books, then do this interactive exercise. You are to place 16 statements into two groups. after having done it, take a picture and copy them into your copybooks. Waiting for your messages! Good luck!
субота, 21 березня 2020 р.
10th formers, for you!

1) Ex. 3 p. 113-114 ( paragraph 5) - learn it by heart
2) Ex. 5 p.122, Ex. 3 p. 124 - answer the questions in writin and send them to me to chech or take a picture of your answers in your copybooks
3) Make up special and general questions to these sentences:
- He has posted 5 messages so far.
- The boy uploaded this file a minute ago.
- We'll download the new song in an hour.
- The Internet is widely used by people nowadays.
- My PC broke down because of a virus.
Good luck!
Go on working
Ex. 7 p.10
- salary
- perks
- CV
- apply
- redundant
- post
- experienced
- part-time
Ex.11 p.10
Suspect 1
Age : middle-aged
Face : round
Hair: wavy
Eyes: blue
Suspect 2
Age: teenager
Complexion: pale
Hair: blond
Lips: full
Special features: large tatoo
Now you have all the information neede to describe the people's appearance. Use the tips from the table and describe the suspects, type the description and send it to me. in addition to this, choose two pictures of someone ( a man and a woman), describe them and send them to me as well.
Watch it!
In addition to this video I want you to read this grammar reference , copy it and print it as we usually do. Put this new grammar card into section "Grammar" of our folders. Read this new grammar topic as many times as you need, and next week we'll start discussing and practising it step by step! Don't try to understand everything at once - we'll have enough time. This topic is really new for you , but I believe that we'll manage to understand it!
пʼятниця, 20 березня 2020 р.
четвер, 19 березня 2020 р.
Homework part 9

In addition to the set of exercises I'd like you to answer these questions ( copy them into your vocabularies and then answer).
Homework part 8
This week we'll work with our Cultural Crossroard. So, let's go on with lesson 2 -London.
- put the words from Check these words part into your vocabularies ( with transcriptions)
- translate the text
- complete Ex. 2 and Ex. 4 in the books
- Do Ex. 3 p. 7 - in your copybooks ( write the pairs of words - we'll check them later)
- translate the sentences from this document, type them and send them to me to check
- the deadline - Monday, the 23rd of March
середа, 18 березня 2020 р.
Homework to check

Ex. 9 p. 13
- us
- what
- for
- in
- be
- on
- by
- hand
- get / have
- are
- in
- is / looks
- makes
- than
- lot
Ex. 10 p. 13
- intensive
- various
- complicated
- equipment
- intelligence
- courageous
- annoying
- patient
- irritating
- challenging
Homework to check

The test p.7
Ex.5 p.10
Column 1 Qualities: hard-working, fit, patient
Column 2 Advantages: well-paid, exciting, satisfying
Column 3 Disadvantages: dangerous, not well-paid
Listening Task p.14
1) an interview
2) up-to-date
3) employers
4) the newspapers
5) sleep
6) right clothes
7) ten minutes
8) extra nice
9) sit down
10) smoke
вівторок, 17 березня 2020 р.
Tuesday's work
The next stage of our work ( deadline - Thursday)
- p.7 make up 10 questions to the text and send them to me ( all 5 types)
- Ex.7 p.10 - work with the dictionries and choose one word ( we'll check it on Thursday)
- Ex.8 p.10 - listen to the record and write down the questions ( the link from the previous entry)
- Ex.10 p. 10 - list the words after having translated them ( in your copybooks)
- Ex. 11 p. 10 - listen to the record and fill in the table ( in your coursebooks)
понеділок, 16 березня 2020 р.
неділя, 15 березня 2020 р.
For you to do this week
- SB Reading p.7 ( read the text, translate it and complete the test - you'll be given the answers to check on Wednesday)
- SB Ex.2,3 p.8 ( in your studentsbooks)
- SB Ex. 6 p. 8 - make up two sentences of your own with each word-combinationand send your works to me to check until Wednesday)
- SB Ex. 5 p. 9 - listen to the track ( Enterprise 4 track 3 page 10) two times and fill in the missing words - we'll check your choices on Wednesday
- SB Listenin task - listen to this track again ( Enterprise 4 track 9 page 14) ( as long as I remember we've done it) - and revise the ideas about the qualities needed for different professions. Get ready to compare and contrast the occupations from Spesaking task - a farmer and a politician. Take some notes and choose the proper vocabulary. It will be a kind of project for you and it will have to be completed this week as well - but we'll discuss the structure and the vocabulary first.

The keys to this set of activities as well as the next set is ti be given on Wednesday, so - get yourselves ready! I expect you to send me your sentences by this time) Good luck!
субота, 14 березня 2020 р.
Homework, my groups!

The set of words for the dictation for you to learn:
- SB p.100
- SB Ex.3 p.101
- SB p.102
- SB p.104
For 8A and 8B forms Read the text from Ex.4 p.104 and do Ex.5 p.105 and Ex.6 p.105 ( I'll give you the answers to check next Tuesday)
In addition to this I'd like you all to work with your workboks
- WB p.56
- WB p. 57
Complete all the exerrcises and we'll check the m on Tuesday. Get ready! Good luck!
- §31, §32 ( читати, відповісти на контродьні питання - письмово)
- Задачі 1-2 ( с.173-175) розібрати та переписати в зошит
- Впр. 31 ( 1-5) ( с.166) письмово
- Впр. 32 ( 1-3) ( с.176) письмово
- вивчити таблицю № 8 с. 146 ( формули, назви кислот та кислотних залишків)
- §28-30 та §32-33 читати, знати визначення
- Написати рівняння реакції
- оксиди з водою
- оксиди з кислотами
- основи з кислотами
вівторок, 10 березня 2020 р.
Go on correcting yuor mistakes

This set of sentences and word-combinations is for you to look through and get ready to translate something simialar at our lesson on Thursady. As for tomorrow, don't forget about the previous set of mistakes. Get ready!
понеділок, 9 березня 2020 р.
For Tuesday

понеділок, 2 березня 2020 р.
Test on Passive
Check your answers and make sure that you can do something similar at our tomorrow's lesson. Good luck!
- is eaten
- will be received
- am asked
- was given
- are built
- is being done
- will be translated
- were planted
- has just been given
- were invited
- is played
- are gathered
- will be finished
- are sold
- was founded
- will be received
- can be found
- are often praised
- is being cleaned
- must be returned
неділя, 1 березня 2020 р.

This track is for you to listen again and sum up the general idea of the story in order to be able to retell it at the next lesson. There should be at least 10 -12 sentences. Make sure you are ready! Everybody will be asked!
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