Answer these questions. Don't forget to copy them into your copybooks!
- What is the official name of the country?
- What is the capital of The UK?
- What is the name of the British currency?
- What is the official language of the country?
- Who is the Head of State now?
- Who really rules the country? ( name the person)
- Does the Queen rule?
- Where does the Queen live when she is in London?
- What is the name of the largest royal residence in the world?
- How many thrones are there?
- Where can you see the thrones?
- Is Great Britain a really wide island?
- How namy big islands form the UK?
- How many small islands are there?
- What are the British like?
- Do the British speak only English?
- Did the British have any other official language ?
- What is their favourite drink?
- What is the most popular British dish?
- What flags make up The Union Jack?
- What is the national animal of England?
- What is the national flower of Scotland?
- What country has a shamrock as a national flower?

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